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Major student clubs and associations:

  Student Self-Government represents students in front of the School authorities. It has representatives in the Senate and the departments’ boards and school committees (e.g. grant committee). The self-government’s representatives initiate and co-organise school events (e.g. Student’s Day, Open Door Day, Student Initiation Day, thematic workshops). Members of Social Research Division, a part of  the self-government, under teaching staff supervision, do research with which various institutions and organisations entrust them.
Members of The Academic Sports Association successfully take part in sports competitions in numerous disciplines (e.g. cycling, football, Shotokan karate, track athletics, swimming, volleyball). In the 21. Schools of Higher Education National Championships (2000-2002), PWSZ in Konin was the winner in the category of state professional schools of higher professional education institutions and teacher training colleges. On 16-20/05/05 in Gorzów Wielkopolski PWSZ in Konin won the 13th Polish Football Championships of Pedagogical Schools of Higher Education.
“Students in Free Enterprise” Institutional Unit  enables (mainly economics) students to gain experience in carrying out projects whose aim is to popularise economic awareness in local communities, to help understand market economy and recognise local communities’ needs. In 2001, in national SIFE finals, PWSZ in Konin students won the “Debut of the Year” award. In 2002 they won an award for the best integration project. In 2003, by the Polish Economics Association,  they were   awarded for the best project popularising the knowledge of the European Union. Also in 2003 they received a prize for their project ‘We, Poles, are in and for Europe.” In 2005 during the 7th ‘Students for Free Enterprise Polish Competition’ Konin SIFE section received a prize for „The project which best represents its authors’ entrepreneurial spirit.” In 2006 PWSZ team won the 2nd  place in the 8th National SIFE Competition, which gave them an opportunity to represent Poland in the SIFE European Symposium in Paris.
Members of The Academic Section of Polish Red Cross Blood Donors popularises the principles of Polish Red Cross. They have participated in a national campaign “Layette for a Student” and co-organised “Let’s Help One Another” charity concert. Most importantly, they have initiated blood donation campaign on the School’s premises.

The Academic Section of Polish Tourist Association popularises tourism and hiking in the School’s community. Its members arrange tourist and recreation events (e.g. rallies, walking tours, coach excursions, skiing trips, canoeing rallies, paintball wars, “Tyrol rally”). They also participate in tourist fairs and exhibitions.

The Academic Section of Children Friends’ Association aims at looking after children and helping them. Its members have organised “Holidays with PWSZ in Konin” for the  economically disadvantaged children, and St. Nicolas’ Day party for children from integration classes.

Members of the Student Research Association “PEGAZ”, mainly students at Department of Social Work, have carried out comparative analysis of legal and social condition of people in need in Poland and EU countries (Lanzendorf, Austria, and Ślesin, Poland were analysed). They surveyed public personae on ways of supporting the disabled, and asked the disabled how they think their life standards has been improved.
  Members of The Academic Linguistic Section of Modern Languages  deal with linguistic problems they have experienced or observed.
  Members of Young Educators Association, mainly students at Department of School Education, develop and share their passion for teaching.