Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Koninie (ANS w Koninie)
University of Applied Sciences in Konin (UAS)
Facts and figures
- more than 25 years of experience
- 23 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs
- 20 postgraduate programs
- 10 short-cycle higher education programs (SCPs)
- a wide range of courses and training
- 3 faculties
University of Applied Sciences in Konin (UAS) was founded in 1998 and it is the only state-supported school of higher education in the town and the region.
The development of international cooperation as well as increasing of its quality is nowadays one of the key issues for the functioning and development of the University of Applied Sciences in Konin. The University is continuously developing and attempts are made to ensure the best possible start into the professional career for our students. As far as the teaching staff are concerned, the School creates possibilities for development and gaining new competences.
Strengthening of the human potential and the development of infrastructure of the UAS constitute a crucial aspect of the University development strategy for 2021 – 2024. Well-qualified and satisfied employees as well as modern infrastructure will be the springboard to success. To ensure the financial stability the UAS will continue to intensify efforts to rationalize operating costs, acquisition of external funds for repairs and investment and efficiently use the assets held. In order to obtain the largest number of candidates the UAS attempts to ensure the students’ maximum satisfaction thanks to continuous enrichment and greater flexibility of teaching. Therefore, our goal is to run both new courses and specializations in the first degree, as well as to launch MA programs in selected fields. The staff and authorities of the UAS are intent on improving the quality of teaching to make sure that our graduates have advantage on the labour market, as well as make the University a friendly place to study, where aspirations and expectations of the local community are met. The aim of the UAS is strengthening the human potential to support the development of teaching and non-teaching staff. We intend to achieve this objective by assisting and directing employees to training in outdoor units, in line with the development of their career, organizing courses, seminars, conferences, which will help improve the skills the University staff. Investment in human resources is very important for the functioning of the UAS.
International co-operation is perceived as an important facet of our activity. First and foremost, it contributes to the professional development of the students, academic and administrative staff. The University of Applied Sciences in Konin is associated with more than 70 partner institutions in Europe within the framework of mobility programmes and a number of new partnership agreements are underway. We also organize student internship programmes in co-operation with foreign companies.
Erasmus programme enables our students to study and work abroad and many foreign students to visit our school each year. Not only does programme support students, but also teaching and non-teaching staff members who want to gain experience and receive training abroad.
UAS is accommodated in a number of well-equipped buildings purposefully designed to provide an excellent quality of education. The laboratories, workshop rooms and lecture halls are furnished with modern sound systems, over-head projectors, etc. The University possesses a modern Jan A.P. Kaczmarek Lecture Center with a lecture hall accommodating 700 people, where concerts, performances or movie projections can be held. A modern, computerized library is another asset of the University. It is equipped with facilities for the disabled (computer station, software, etc.). All University premises are within a Wi-Fi range. Two modern halls of residence are equipped with Internet access in the rooms, there are also cafeterias and a canteen.
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