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Students buy an accident insurance that may occur while working, learning, or in private life - 24 hours a day. UE and EEA students must enter Poland with European Health Insurance Card. If they need medical help they must go to the surgeries which have an agreement with NFZ (National Health Fund).

Non EU/EEA students have to buy complete health insurance in their home country (accident,  treatment, third party liability) or they can get ISIC card or EURO<26 card, in which an insurance is included.

According to state health regulations, non EU/EEA citizens have to pay for medical care. The cost is to be reimbursed by their health insurance company.

Students can also use the well-developed private medical sector.

Medical facilities

In case of illness, Polish students consult their first-contact doctors. Foreign students consult doctors in “MED-ALKO” Sp. z o. o., which cooperates with the School. The surgery is located at 3 Przyjaźni Street, next to the Institution building.

No vaccinations are necessary when entering Poland.

Polish pharmacies have a wide choice of medicaments of all kinds. Prescriptions from home country will help make sure that the right medicine is bought. Every day several pharmacist’s in Konin are open 24 hours a day (information about pharmacists on duty is published in local newspapers).